Applications closed

Passive Imaging & Monitoring in Wave Physics: From Seismology to Ultrasound

The 6th edition of the school will be held in Cargese (Corsica) from April 19 - 23, 2021.

Location : Institut d’Études Scientifiques de Cargèse, France.

The goal of this summer school is to gather young scientists (graduate students, post-docs) and senior scientists working in the field of ambient noise imaging and monitoring through a multidisciplinary approach including geophysics, underwater acoustics, ultrasonics and wave physics in general.

Thank you for your application!

We apologise for not being able to communicate the admission results yet.

In this uncertain moment, the organisation of the school in Cargese depends on information from the French government which will be given in the coming days. We are thus waiting for their decision on whether or not there will be another lockdown and on the future traveling restrictions.

For further information, please contact us via E-mail

Updated on 29 January 2021